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How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP

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How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Empty
PostSubyek: How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Mpj3LzTTue Nov 05, 2013 1:18 am

How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Wi7x1x

how to play drump(roughly, if i have misunderstand the ruling pls state it out)

all you need is:
a set of poker cards with A-9
10,J,Q,K cards provided by konami

A-9 is define as "Force Card"
10-K is define as "Monster parts"

the following picture is the playmat
1 - Force card zone you may have up to 4 row of force card zone
2 - deck
3 - discard pile
4 - monster parts zone(head,wings,legs,tail)

how to play it:


1.shuffle the deck
2.each player draw 5 cards
3.choose who go 1st

--game start--

4.the turn player draw a card at the beginning of the turn
5. Turn player may do the following during his/her turn:

up to twice per turn,turn player may discard 1 monster parts to discard pile;
-add 1 monster parts from discard pile
-draw 1 card

setting force card:
turn player may set a force card to one of the force zone, only 1 card per zone in
the same turn. 2nd card onwards on the same zone must be face down. For example:
"I play 'diamond 3' in force card zone 1, then I play 'spade 4' card in force zone 2
during the same turn, I cannot add more cards to force card zone 1 since only 1 card
per zone,so I can do other things such as recycling or simply end my turn.During next
turn, I would like to play 'diamond 5' in force zone 1, because 2nd cards onwards in
the same zone must face down,so i play 'diamond 5' face down"

Note: the sum of force card cannot more than 14 or more

play monster parts:
you may place a monster parts by sending the corresponding cost from your force
card zone.10 for 10 cost,J for 11 cost,Q for 12 cost,K for 13 cost. If your force
card zone value have a total of the corresponding cost,you may send them to discard
pile and place the monster parts in the corresponding monster parts zone.
For example:"you are trying to use a "Q wing" monster parts(12 cost), you have to
pay exactly a total number of '12' from 1 of your force card zone to play it to
'wing' section."Only 1 monster part may place per turn.

the game will lead to an end when all monster parts zone are occupied.

attack and block:
once per turn, turn player may use a force card from your hand and choose a force
card zone to non turn player force card zone. If your opponent have a face down
force card, it will be revealed by the time of attacking. the controller of "A"
card can be treaten as "1" or "11" as the controller like it.

If attacker value + defender total value is less than or equal to 13,
the attack will fail,then the attacker force card is left in the defender force card
zone.The defending player cannot block in this case

If attacker value + defender total value is more than 13, all defender force card
will send to the discard pile along the attacker force card. the attacking player
may draw 1 card.

the non turn player may use a card to block the attack. In this case, monster parts
can be use to blocking the attack(J = 11,Q=12,K=13). blocking card can be play
once your face down cards is being revealed. The blocking card value will be added
to your defender total value once the block card is play. After that, the attacking
player can do the same thing to power up the attack power. this process will loop
until one of the player decided not to blocking/attacking. in that case, the player
with the higher value may draw 1 card. If "A" card is used during the process,
the looping process is stopped and the controller of "A" draw 1 card instead.

Extra Jack:
each player may discard an "A" card to place a "J" monster parts to the
corresponding parts. this move can only use once per turn. The move is treaten as
"play monster parts",which means you cannot use this way to play monster cards
after a monster parts is set during the same turn.

6. Once the turn player has nothing to do ,the player may end his/her turn.
during this time, any player with 6 or more hand cards will be discarded until
have 5 cards left. The following turn player will be start from step 4 until
victory condition is met.

Victory Condition:
gathering the 4 parts of monster parts may end the game.
if the first to go player gathered 4 monster parts 1st, then opposing player
may have another last turn to play. If the opposing player fail to gathering 4
parts, then the first to go player wins the game.

if second to go player gathered 4 monster parts 1st, then the second to go player
wins immediately.

if first to go player gathered 4 monster parts 1st, then the second to go player
also gathered 4 monster parts at the following turn, the winner will be decided by:

4K -> 4Q -> 4J -> 4X -> mixing combination.

the combination at the left always win the combination following by it.
if both player have mixing combination,then the winner will be determined by points.
10 = 10 points
J = 5 points
Q = 12 points
K = 13 points

the player with more points wins.

if the deck has no more cards,then the game end directly and determine the winner by
adding up the points.

link shonen jump :

ini ane ga ane translate tuk menghormati yg punya Smile

intinya ckup siapin kartu remi dgn no 10 , J ,Q , dan K digambar bagian2 bentuk monster (kaki,kepala, badan , sayap dll mngkin mrip exodia)

dan tuk mangilnya ckup pake perjumlhan dan ngikuti aturan diatas Smile

tpi klw mw modal yah nunguin si kazuki release kartu2nya dgn harga yg mngkin wah Smile

sumber dri : grup fb dan shonen jump manga DRUMP



<b>FB</b> FB : rifqi.auliaz
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<b>Post</b> Post : 59
<b>Cash</b> Cash : Rp 1.200
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How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Empty
PostSubyek: Re: How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Mpj3LzTTue Nov 05, 2013 1:25 am

keren juga, variasi baru dari kartu yg selama ini kita mainin Very Happy
cuma ribetnya itung2 an nya aja sih ._.
sama masih belom ngerti yang extra jack kebawah (baca: belom baca dan males baca Razz )

fun fact: drump sepertinya diambil dari kata trump, istilah di dunia kartu, bisa dicek disini



contoh special rank guild team
<b>FB</b> FB : aldi igniel
<b>Team</b> Team : None
<b>Post</b> Post : 411
<b>Cash</b> Cash : Rp 1.200
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<b>Reputation</b> Reputation : 57
<b>Location</b> Location : bogor
Post Lv3 [300+ post] CB Lv3 [300+ Contribution Point] Artist

How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Empty
PostSubyek: Re: How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Mpj3LzTTue Nov 05, 2013 1:26 am

yg iseng2 bosen maen yugi LOL
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How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Empty
PostSubyek: Re: How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP Mpj3LzT

Subject: Re:

How to play poker (kartu remi) DRUMP

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Sebelumnya perkenalkan saya robot YFI, Saya disini bertugas untuk menjaga forum disetiap topiknya :D
Dan sebelumnya saya ingin bertanya, bagaimana kabarnya agan dan sista disana? pasti selalu semangat dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya bukan? yeah, of course ^^

Kami disini hanya ingin memberitahukan saja, agan dan sista Jangan malu-malu untuk bermain diforum ya.
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Ok, sampai disini dulu ya, jangan malu-malu lagi untuk bermain diforum.
Keep Respect and Have Fun ^_^
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